On distant islands. The best vacation at Hamilton Princess & Beach Club A Fairmont Managed Hotel.

4 years ago

The picturesque nature of Bermuda leaves no one indifferent. The attractiveness of the Atlantic has always left no doubt. And for those who have chosen Bermuda as a vacation destination, you will have to get to know her better. The distances here are relatively small, so it's easy to get around local attractions by renting a car. Beautiful landscapes, fascinating sea panorama, magnificent nature. All this will leave an indelible mark on your memory and make you experience aesthetic pleasure.

For those who want to devote their time to a relaxing stay on the beach, it is worth considering choosing a suitable hotel. Hamilton Princess & Beach Club A Fairmont Managed Hotel will be a great option. This paradise on the first line will appeal to the most discerning guests. After all, in addition to rooms on the harbor or garden, there is a great place to get a gorgeous tan. Sun loungers and hammocks are set right in the water. And as you know, the rays reflected from the water surface will help your skin get a beautiful shade much faster.

Of course, people come here not only to sunbathe. Impeccable service, pleasant interiors, friendly staff. Your every day will be filled with home comfort and warmth. Everything possible for your comfort is at your fingertips. Heated swimming pools, limousine service, saunas and Jacuzzi, gym, rooms with modern equipment.

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A pleasant lounge will brighten up the evening hours, and a restaurant with a famous chef will delight with the variety and quality of dishes.

A distinctive feature of Hamilton Princess & Beach Club A Fairmont Managed Hotel is certainly the magnificent view of Hamilton Harbor. It opens not only from the windows, but also from the infinity pool. We are glad to see here not only the guests of the hotel, but also their four-legged pets. The only thing is to warn about their presence so that the staff has time to prepare everything.

Bermuda is a great place for a premium island vacation. Everyone has the opportunity to give themselves this magical vacation. It remains only to choose the time and book a suitable room. Bermuda takes care of the rest. Don't forget to invite your friends with you.

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